Tuesday, June 29, 2010

{Cousins} Makonnen, Marley, Maddox


3 of the sweetest little kids around

one Amazing Nanny. 

I had a great time with 
Marlene {Nanny}, Makonnen, Marley, Maddox, Megan and Meah.
{M names are a tradition in their family - for generations}

Makonnen, Maddox, Meah and Nanny are visiting from Illinois.
This photo shoot was their last night here.  
The weekend was filled with so much excitement.
Birthday Party. Toy Story 3.  LOTS of fun! 
The kind of fun that kids don't want to go to sleep 
and wake up early in the morning to see each other. 

SO... {there were a few breakdowns}

but nothing a little {mommy time}

and baseball

couldn't fix

so sweet. i could just eat them up!

i LOVE this pic
this is how I lay in the grass 

Meg & Nanny

It was a bit of a crazy shoot - I'm so blessed to get to capture it!
I love when you guys come to visit! 
It's so good to see you and get hugs.
Can't wait for October to meet the WHOLE fam {take more pics}
and celebrate Marley's Birthday!!

Love You.S
{so much}

1 comment:

  1. Oh, my word...two things:
    1)Marley's flower in her hair!!! Love it!
    2)THE CHAIR! Great find! =)
