Wednesday, June 23, 2010

baby Brady {3 months}

his beautiful blue eyes are a bit intoxicating! 
I love when I see baby Brady and he throws me his big smile.

OR... his starting to CRY face.
he's adorable either way!

this photo session he was in a more serious mood
 here are his baby Vogue shots :)

if you're wondering what that little thing is... 
so were the people in the restaurant when it started singing.
It's Hilarious!
Usually it makes Brady bust out into laughter...
Not On Baby Vogue Day :)

what a little stud in his vest

he LOVED these mirrors
so cute to see him try to figure out where these look-a-likes came from

I had no clue Steve was afraid of heights
{I totally relate - so I tried to push the limits on being brave}

sweet little monster hat. 
{given to me by one of my best friends}
when I saw it I KNEW Brady had to wear it first!

showing Brady - bravery at it's finest. 
looking something you're afraid of...
{uncomfortable with}
straight in the eye.
and stepping on it...


such a sweet moment 
Brady wouldn't stop looking at his Daddy.

I love taking pictures of their family!
You can feel the love that they have for each other. 
It's palpable!  Their smiles and giggles are contagious.
They're in this together!

Can't wait for our next shoot!!


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