It is so hard for me to believe that Claire is a Senior!
My sister has watched Claire every summer since she was 8 years old.
Claire is Krista's Little Sis. And through the years has become mine too.
We love her to the moon {and back} she is so beautiful and thoughtful and GOOFY!
She and her parents are a complete joy to be around.
I love family that is blood - and the family that you choose.
The Flitsch's are {family} that we choose!
It was amazing to be able to spend hours with them, catching up while snapping away!
Here are some of our favorite shots.
so... we saw this bike on the side of the road.
my mom was driving - Barb and Jim were following her
Claire and I jumped out got a few shots
and then ran around the corner to join up with them again
i LOVE this bike. so much fun!
THEN ... we saw this amazing old car
with ONE flower by the wheel
can it get any more perfect than this?
I think it grew here just for us. For this shot.
and this red wall
a perfectly placed puddle
a blue garage
We told Claire to climb the tree...
so she did. Looked cute. got a few shots.
then she leaned back TOTALLY knocked her head... but still smiled
you can't be with Claire for too long
before the goofy faces come out
this one MAY make it into the yearbook. LOL.
I haven't laughed so loud at a photo shoot... um ever. Love you Claire!
If I'm having a bad day I'll just go back to this post and have a good belly laugh
Hello Beautiful.
piercing eyes
can't do a Senior Photo Shoot with out SOME texting
Thank You sun!
You have always been such a sweet girl.
You ARE and continue to BECOME an amazing woman.
Pursue your dreams. Don't settle for less than the best. {in any situation}
Continue to put your whole HEART into everything you do.
There is such a bright future waiting for you. Today.
We love you. We're proud to be your big Sis's & Fam!!
You are SICK!!!!